
A long way:proposal for forum

To: Warden Lundquist : ,
Since my arrival here at NLCI 1 have been speaking with various Administration staff about putting together a video and/or a panel/forum.

The video or video series, would target various audience covering various topics, providing vital Information specifically for that particular audience. For instance, the parent section or video would cover what various warning signs parents should be aware of. The school section or video would cover what teachers, counselors, and other school officials should be aware of, or what they should look for. No kid just wakes up one morning and says, "I want to be in a gang..." or, "I want to do drugs today." There is a process involved; there are many warning signs to look for.

The panel would consist of selected-approved inmates who would field questions from an audience of DOC officials, school officials, community officials and parents. Topics covered would include gang affiliations, drinking, drugs, violence, and individual experiences from the participating inmates. These sessions would be relatively brief, but- effective and candid.

It is our hope that the Awareness from such a panel and video, that communities, parents, and other officials will be better prepare to recognize the warning signs if & when youth begin to experiment with drugs or drinking or start gravitating towards an affiliation or gang. This Awareness leads to Prevention.

Shane Urness and I have been working diligently over the past eight months trying to get this project going. Enclosed, you will find some of the feedback we have received in regards to this proposed project. Please consider our proposal. If you have any questions, or need more information, contact Shane or myself. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
Ramiah A. Whitesidte,
Shane Urness

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